This is an archived webpage for the 2024 Annual Meeting.
View the up-to-date Agenda for the 2025 Annual Meeting.
View the up-to-date Agenda for the 2025 Annual Meeting.

Annual Meeting Agenda
This year's general session focuses on the latest science, surgical innovations, and practice-changing information for breast surgeons. We've planned a variety of learning opportunities and networking events in celebration of our 25th Annual Meeting. Arrive early to participate in our Pre-Meeting Program — courses begin Wednesday, April 10.
Wednesday, April 10
Evening Industry Symposia
Wed, April 10, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Thursday, April 11
Thu, April 11, 3:45 PM – 4:00 PM
Presenters: Susan K. Boolbol, MD, FACS; Jennifer S. Gass, MD, FACS
Coding and Reimbursement Symposium
Thu, April 11, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Moderators: Richard E. Fine, MD, FACS; Walton A. Taylor, MD, FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Richard E. Fine, MD, FACS; Walton A. Taylor, MD, FACS -
2023/2024 Update- What’s New?
Richard E. Fine, MD, FACS; Walton A. Taylor, MD, FACS -
Discussion of RUC/CPT Process
Richard E. Fine, MD, FACS; Walton A. Taylor, MD, FACS -
Coding Dilemmas and Solutions
Richard E. Fine, MD, FACS; Walton A. Taylor, MD, FACS -
Friday, April 12
Breakfast Industry Symposia
Fri, April 12, 6:30 AM – 7:45 AM
General Session Breakfast (Cypress 2 Foyer)
Fri, April 12, 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM
Fri, April 12, 8:00 AM – 8:15 AM
Presenters: Susan K. Boolbol, MD, FACS; Jennifer S. Gass, MD, FACS
John Wayne Critical Issues in Breast Cancer Forum 2024: Tailoring and De-escalation in 2024
Fri, April 12, 8:15 AM – 9:15 AM
Moderators: Preya Ananthakrishnan, MD, FACS; Bret Taback, MD, FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Preya Ananthakrishnan, MD, FACS; Bret Taback, MD, FACS -
Is MRI Overutilized in Work up of Primary Breast Cancer
Marissa M. Howard-McNatt, MD, FACS -
Eliminating Breast Surgery After Neoadjuvant Systemic Therapy
Henry M. Kuerer, MD, PhD, FACS -
RxPonder: Do all Premenopausal Node Positive Require Chemotherapy?
William M. Sikov, MD -
Radiation Genomics: From Arctic to DCISionRT to Polar
Julia R. White, MD, FACR, FASTRO -
Oncoplastics Forum
Fri, April 12, 9:15 AM – 10:15 AM
Moderators: Patricia L. Clark, MD, FACS, FSSO; Jessica L. Ryan, MD, FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Patricia L. Clark, MD, FACS, FSSO; Jessica L. Ryan, MD, FACS -
How Does Oncoplastic Surgery Impact Radiation Delivery?
Stephanie A. Valente, DO, FACS -
Optimizing Oncoplastic Surgery
Sadia Khan, DO, FACS, FACOS -
The Implant Imperative: Who, Why, When?
William L. Scarlett, DO, MHCM, FACS, FACOS -
ASBrS Oncoplastic Certification
Jill R. Dietz, MD, MHCM, FACS -
Break in the Exhibit Hall
Fri, April 12, 10:15 AM – 10:45 AM
Cancer Genetics 2024
Fri, April 12, 10:45 AM – 11:30 AM
Moderators: Lisa D. Curcio, MD, FACS; Kevin S. Hughes, MD, FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Lisa D. Curcio, MD, FACS; Kevin S. Hughes, MD, FACS -
Are All Panel Tests Created Equal?
Jennifer K. Plichta, MD, MS, FACS -
Beyond Surgery: How Genetic Mutations Affect Care
Vivian J. Bea, MD, MBS, FACS -
Population Testing: Is It Ready for Prime Time
David M. Euhus, MD, FACS -
Presidential Address: Lead with Your Story
Fri, April 12, 11:30 AM – 12:15 PM
Presidential Address Introduction
Judy C. Boughey, MD, FACS -
Presidential Address: Lead with Your Story
Susan K. Boolbol, MD, FACS
Lunch in the Exhibit Hall
Fri, April 12, 12:15 PM – 1:15 PM
Scientific Oral Presentations I
Fri, April 12, 1:15 PM – 2:30 PM
Moderators: Zahraa Al-Hilli, MD, FACS; Sarah L. Blair, MD, FACS
Self-Reported Management of Inflammatory Breast Cancer Among the American Society of Breast Surgeons Membership: Consensus and Opportunities
Alexa Glencer, MD -
Diagnostic Delay Among Young Women with Breast Cancer
Katherine Fleshner, MD -
Residual Nodal Burden After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in cN1 Breast Cancer with Positive Nodes on Targeted Axillary Dissection
Alexandra M. Moore, MD -
The Role of Clipping the Lymph Node in Clinically Node Positive Patients Treated with Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer: Impact on Axillary Surgery in the ISPY-2 Clinical Trial
Kayla Switalla, BS -
Evolving Economics: The Erosion of Medicare Reimbursement in Breast Surgery (2003-2023)
Terry P. Gao, MD -
Lymphedema Rates Following Axillary Lymph Node Dissection with and without Immediate Lymphatic Reconstruction: A Prospective Trial
James W. Jakub, MD -
GEnetic Testing For All breast Cancer patienTS (GET FACTS) – Results of a randomized clinical trial
Anna Weiss, MD, FACS -
Cryoablation Without Excision for Early-Stage Breast Cancer; ICE3 Trial 5 year follow up on Ipsilateral Breast Tumor Recurrence
Richard E. Fine, MD, FACS
Neoadjuvant Forum
Fri, April 12, 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM
Moderators: Roshni Rao, MD, FACS; Lorraine Tafra, MD, FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Roshni Rao, MD, FACS; Lorraine Tafra, MD, FACS -
Advancing Neoadjuvant Endocrine Therapy in Premenopausal Women
J. Michael Dixon, OBE, MD -
Luminal A Breast Cancer: Is There a Neoadjuvant Pathway?
Nathalie G. Johnson, MD, FACS -
Downstaging the Axilla With Neoadjuvant Therapy
Sarah A. McLaughlin, MD, FACS -
Neoadjuvant Radiation for Early Staged Cancer
Deborah Farr, MD, FACS -
Break in the Exhibit Hall
Fri, April 12, 3:30 PM – 4:00 PM
Annual Business Meeting
Fri, April 12, 4:00 PM – 4:30 PM
Great Debates
Fri, April 12, 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM
Moderator: Michael D. Alvarado, MD, FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Michael D. Alvarado, MD, FACS -
Annual MRI is a critical component of High-Risk Screening:(LTR>20%) (YES)
Patrick I. Borgen, MD, FACS -
Annual MRI is a critical component of High-Risk Screening:(LTR>20%) (NO)
Carla S. Fisher, MD, MBA, FACS -
Do all ypN1 need Axillary Dissection (YES)
Mahmoud El-Tamer, MD, FACS -
Do all ypN1 need Axillary Dissection? (NO)
Julie A. Margenthaler, MD, FACS -
Quickshot Presentations
Fri, April 12, 5:30 PM – 6:15 PM
Moderators: Preeti Subhedar, MD, FACS; Paul Thiruchelvam, BSc, MD, FACS, PhD
Limitations in Utilizing Clinicopathologic Factors Alone in Identifying Patients with DCIS who Benefit from Radiotherapy after Breast-Conserving Surgery
Julie A. Margenthaler, MD, FACS -
Contemporary Axillary Surgical Management in Patients with Pathologically Node Positive Disease After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: A Survey of Members of the American Society of Breast Surgeons
Anna Weiss, MD, FACS -
Surgery Plays a Leading Role Even in Over 90 Breast Cancer Patients Stage
Massimo Ferrucci, MD, PhD -
The Utility of Frozen Section Diagnosis Following Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Patients with Clinically Node Negative HER2-positive or Triple Negative Breast Cancer
Kerollos N. Wanis, MD -
Outcomes of Oncoplastic Reduction Mammoplasty for Patients with Invasive Lobular Carcinoma of the Breast: Positive Margins, Completion Mastectomy Rates, and Recurrence Free Survival
Israel O. Falade, BS -
Perception of Timely Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment at NAPBC Centers
Danielle M. Thompson, MD -
Prepectoral Versus Subpectoral Breast Reconstruction After Mastectomy: Long-Term Patient Reported Outcomes and Surgical Outcomes
Anna M. Stachura, MD -
Accuracy of Breast MRI for Surgical Planning After Neoadjuvant Therapy for Patients with Invasive Lobular Carcinoma
Tesia A. McKenzie, MD -
Clipped Axillary Node as a Potential Surrogate for Overall Axillary Nodal Status in Inflammatory Breast Cancer Patients After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy
Kush Raj Lohani, MBBS, MS
Evening Industry Symposia
Fri, April 12, 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM
Saturday, April 13
General Session Breakfast (Cypress 2 Foyer)
Sat, April 13, 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM
Social Media and Your Practice
Sat, April 13, 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Moderators: Stephanie Serres, MD, PhD; Jennifer Tseng, MD, FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Stephanie Serres, MD, PhD; Jennifer Tseng, MD, FACS -
Importance of Branding
Camelia Lawrence, MD, FACS -
Keeping Social Media Safe for Physicians
Beth B. DuPree, MD, FACS, ABOIM -
Medical Ethics and Social Media
Lillian M. Erdahl, MD, FACS -
Can Social Media Improve Health Outcomes?
Akiko Chiba, MD, FACS -
Keynote Address
Sat, April 13, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Keynote Address Introduction
Susan K. Boolbol, MD, FACS -
Code Blue: Healthcare.
Why Medicine is Flatlining, and How AI can Resuscitate It
David R. Gruen, MD, MBA, FACR
Break in the Exhibit Hall
Sat, April 13, 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM
Hoag Hospital Surgical Innovation Forum: Advancing Breast Cancer Surgical Care 2024
Sat, April 13, 10:30 AM – 11:15 AM
Supported by a grant from the Hoag Health System
Moderators: Steven Cai, MD, FACS; Sharon S. Lum, MD, MBA, FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Steven Cai, MD, FACS; Sharon S. Lum, MD, MBA, FACS -
Second Ipsilateral Breast Cancer: Where Are We Now?
Kari M. Rosenkranz, MD, FACS -
Omitting Axillary Staging in Primary Breast Cancer
Ted A. James, MD, MHCM, FACS -
Primary Surgery in N1 Disease
David A. Edmonson, MD, FACS -
Best Papers of 2023
Sat, April 13, 11:15 AM – 12:00 PM
Presenter: Helen A. Pass, MD, FACS
Lunch in the Exhibit Hall
Sat, April 13, 12:00 PM – 1:15 PM
Best Of...
Sat, April 13, 1:15 PM – 2:00 PM
Moderators: Nora M. Hansen, MD, FACS; Terry Sarantou, MD, MS, FACS, FSSO
Welcome and Introduction
Nora M. Hansen, MD, FACS; Terry Sarantou, MD, MS, FACS, FSSO -
E. Shelley Hwang, MD, MPH, FACS -
Kelly K. Hunt, MD, FACS -
Julia R. White, MD, FACR, FASTRO -
Scientific Oral Presentations II
Sat, April 13, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Moderators: Julia Tchou, MD, PhD, FACS; Mediget Teshome, MD, MPH, FACS
Presentation and Management of Granulomatous Mastitis in the United States: Results of an American Society of Breast Surgeons Registry Study
Nimmi S. Kapoor, MD, FACS -
Internal Mammary Lymphadenopathy Does not Impact Oncologic Outcomes in Patients Treated with Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: Results From the I-SPY2 Clinical Trial
Mara A. Piltin, DO, FACS -
Real World Implications of the SOUND Trial
Andreas Giannakou, MD -
Does the Type of Endocrine Therapy Differentially Affect Quality of Life in Older (≥ 70 years) Women with Early-stage Breast Cancer?
Keva Li -
Surveillance Strategies After Primary Treatment for Patients with Invasive Lobular Carcinoma of the Breast: Method of Local Recurrence Detection After Breast Conserving Surgery
Elle N. Clelland, BS -
Surgical outcomes from the phase 3 KEYNOTE-756 study of neoadjuvant pembrolizumab plus chemotherapy followed by adjuvant pembrolizumab plus endocrine therapy for early-stage high-risk ER+/HER2− breast cancer
Peter A. Fasching, MD
Break in the Exhibit Hall
Sat, April 13, 3:00 PM – 3:30 PM
Health Equity
Sat, April 13, 3:30 PM – 4:15 PM
Moderators: Ronda S. Henry-Tillman, MD, FACS; Jane E. Mendez, MD, FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Ronda S. Henry-Tillman, MD, FACS; Jane E. Mendez, MD, FACS -
Creating Equity Across Ethnicity
Lisa A. Newman, MD, MPH, FACS, FASCO, FSSO -
Optimizing Fertility Preservation: Where Are We Now?
Kristin E. Rojas, MD, FACS -
Improving Risk-based Breast Cancer Screening Across Ethnicities
Zahraa Al-Hilli, MD, FACS -
Life After Breast Cancer
Sat, April 13, 4:15 PM – 5:00 PM
Moderators: Jay K. Harness, MD, FACS; Jessica E. Maxwell, MD, MS, FRCSC, FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Jay K. Harness, MD, FACS; Jessica E. Maxwell, MD, MS, FRCSC, FACS -
Consequences of Treatment and Sexual Health
Taryn L. Smith, MD -
Do Lifestyle Interventions Impact Outcome?
Cory A. Donovan, MD -
Integrative Medicine and Symptom Management
Jay K. Harness, MD, FACS -
"How I Do It" Videos
Sat, April 13, 5:00 PM – 5:45 PM
Moderators: Paul L. Baron, MD, FACS; Courtney A. Vito, MD, FACS
Clough Inframammary Mastopexy
Michele Carpenter, MD, FACS -
The Use of Oncoplastic Breast Surgery in the Treatment of Male Breast Cancer
Nicketti Handy, MD -
IntraOperative Ultrasound Guided Breast Conserving Surgery (IOUS) Associated with Medial InterCostal Artery Perforator (MICAP) Flap Mammoplasty
Massimo Ferrucci, MD, PhD -
10 Commandments for A Grisotti Flap
Anshumi Desai, MD -
Excision of Nipple Epidermal Inclusion Cyst During Lactation
Katrina B. Mitchell, MD, FACS
Awards Presentations
Sat, April 13, 5:45 PM – 6:00 PM
Sunday, April 14
General Session Breakfast (Cypress 2 Foyer)
Sun, April 14, 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM
Enough About You. What About Me?
Sun, April 14, 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Moderators: Eric R. Manahan, MD, MBA, FACS; Helen A. Pass, MD, FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Eric R. Manahan, MD, MBA, FACS; Helen A. Pass, MD, FACS -
Beyond RVU's: A Surgeons Value
Shawna C. Willey, MD, FACS -
Ergonomics for a Lifetime in the OR
Katherine A. Kopkash, MD, FACS -
APP's and My Practice
Katharine A. Yao, MD, FACS -
Panel Discussion
Katherine A. Kopkash, MD, FACS; Eric R. Manahan, MD, MBA, FACS; Helen A. Pass, MD, FACS; Shawna C. Willey, MD, FACS; Katharine A. Yao, MD, FACS
The Uncommon Common
Sun, April 14, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Moderators: Jamie B. Patterson, MD; Kay Yoon-Flannery, DO, MPH, FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Jamie B. Patterson, MD; Kay Yoon-Flannery, DO, MPH, FACS -
Inflammatory Breast Cancer: 2024 Update
Kandace P. McGuire, MD, FACS -
Lymphoma to Angiosarcoma: The Rare Tumors
Theresa Schwartz, MD, MS, FACS -
Cryoablation: Is It Ready for Primetime?
Michael P. Berry, MD -
Transgender Breast Health: What You Need to Know Now
Chandler S. Cortina, MD, MS, FSSO, FACS -
Benign Breast Disease
Sun, April 14, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Moderators: Kristalyn K. Gallagher, DO, FACOS, FACS; Manpreet Kohli, MD, FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Kristalyn K. Gallagher, DO, FACOS, FACS; Manpreet Kohli, MD, FACS -
Evolving Management of IGM
Sarah L. Blair, MD, FACS -
From Unusual Inflammatory Disorders
Carinne W. Anderson, MD, FACS -
Are All High-Risk Lesions Created Equal?
Ekaterini V. Tsiapali, MD, FACS -
Choosing the Risk Tool That Works
Katherina Zabicki Calvillo, MD, FACS -